Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Reasoning Without Data

Writen by Lance Winslow

Some believe that there is no point in reasoning without data. Others cannot accept this and instead get by on reasoning based on intuition and even simply the belief that they should instinctively know. Many of the greatest theories in the world have come thru very little data or none at all. So many of these theories of past periods are later proven with data in subsequent future periods, thus proving you can reason without data.

Speaking from my own point of view and often working on intuition I believe that it is dangerous for innovation and the forward progression of the species to accept the notion that there is no point in reasoning without data. Often, I myself have no data for many of the concepts that I come up with. Indeed this may not mean they are always correct, in fact although many of my concepts or innovation could be said to be outright brilliant, some completely irrelevant, while others absolutely and utterly worthless. Of the ones, which are brilliant most are derived on "gut instinct," perhaps maybe based only slightly on observation and experience. If you work in a job, which requires innovative decision making; you may have enjoyed the same scenario. I have noticed that some of my best innovations that come from just thinking out in the blue in hindsight of the innovative thought in fact could not have been reasoned with data, for many times no data exists or worse of they are contrary to popular belief of current data.

So with this said, it might be reasoned without data that nothing completely out of the blue or a revelation type event in a completely new concept can ever be created if we do not allow ourselves to think and reason without data. Because no data has been created on something we do not know, to prove it would work or not work? If these folks who say you cannot reason without data really believe that it is not possible, then we ought to move them out of the way, as they are a barrier of nay Sayers which are impeding the forward progression of mankind. If they were right, and thank god they are not, then we would never create anything new at all. Think on that.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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