Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ad Hoc Definition

Writen by Marc Keller

We have all heard the term ad hoc. What does this word actually mean? How do I use it properly? I have been asking these same questions for years. However, today I have decided to solve the mystery and find the ad hoc definition. I did what every inquisitive scholar does and looked it up on google. Here is what I found on the ad hoc definition. Directly translated from its Latin origin, ad hoc means "for this"—the term is generally used to imply that something is intended for a particular situation or purpose. Hence, an ad hoc committee is one that is formed to handle a particular issue. Something that is ad hoc or that is done on an ad hoc basis happens or is done only when the situation makes it necessary or desirable, rather than being arranged in advance or being part of a general plan. Interesting, huh.

So now that we have the ad hoc definition let's see if we can use it in a sentence that will impress your friends. For example, "On an ad hoc basis, Congress has placed ceilings on military aid to specific countries". In this case ad hoc is used as an adjective meaning improvised or impromptu. Now I suggest trying to make up a few of your own sentences and explain the use of ad hoc in each sentence. This will help you use the term in more impromptu occasions. While this has been a good ad hoc definition in general, ad hoc takes on a more precise meaning in different applications. In truth, the ad hoc definition is exactly that: ad hoc.

Common terms using this word are found in the IT industry and include: ah hoc network, ad hoc query, ad hoc surveys, ad hoc testing, ad hoc report, ad hoc analysis, and ad hoc protocol list. Actually, ad hoc has several specific applications in the world of Information Technology. The ad hoc definition as used in; ad hoc networks, ad hoc reporting and ad hoc testing has a very precise meaning pertaining to the Information Technology Industry.

When it comes to computer networks, ad hoc is typically associated with wireless devices. When a connection is established between two or more computers without having a base station, they have formed an ad hoc network. The ad hoc definition still holds in this case because the connection is not permanent but rather has been formed temporarily to meet a particular need. Ad hoc reporting, also called ad hoc querying, refers to a system that permits users to customize a data query from a database instead of limiting them to preset, "canned" options. Since the results of the query are dependent on the specific query submitted, they are created for the specific moment, ad hoc.

For software development companies, the ad hoc definition applies most frequently to testing. Ad hoc testing is a type of quality control testing that operates on randomization rather than on a fixed technique. Each test is created for a specific purpose it wasn't grabbed off a shelf. If you are developing software and don't have the time or resources to invest in properly testing it, Software development companies provides a host of testing services, including ad hoc testing.

My thirst for knowledge was been momentarily quenched with a sweet glass of ad hoc definitions. Ad hoc is a versatile term that properly used will impress your friends, and Information Technology group. Good luck in expanding your vocabulary and understanding of IT terminology.

Mark Keller is a Client Specialist with, an internet marketing company. For more information on ad hoc definition visit at

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