Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wifi Wireless Systems In Robotic Factories Case Study

Writen by Lance Winslow

With all the WiFi hacking going on these days and the widespread use of wireless systems, is it wise for Factories to run al their robotic equipment off WiFi systems? Sure encryption would prevent most problems, but materials and parts are expensive and one robotic mess up is a real problem. You have a complete assembly line shut down, because of some two-bit hacker.

Did you know that there are some WiFi security analysts, which purposely "war drive" to find holes in systems in corporations and then use this knowledge to go to the company and sell them Wireless Computer Security Services? Can you imagine if you did this type of sales technique you might find your self explaining what you are doing to the police when the company called them for fear you were a hacker rather than a IT Security Solutions Provider.

In a Robotic Manufacturing Plant it is of concern that such people are out there, even if semi-good intentions. It might be smart to scramble signals leaving the building and watch out for insiders with hand helds. Indeed, even with a WEP setup, you might find yourself in a problematic situation from a hacker or electronics guy who is getting laid off and losing their job in the factory to a robot and completely disgruntled. (see movie; iRobot, A.I. and read Issac Asimov).

Human nature, revenge is a powerful motivation of humans, watch out on that one, Unions can do some pretty criminally irresponsible things. A factory of this type could use a scrambler system between walls, and windows or double paned with air or music running thru them. Still there are many pointer type units you can buy for direction sound attainment and you know the hackers have those too, if they do not make them just to test the range like they did recently at Defcon Hacker Convention in Las Vegas. This is something to think of too and a robotic factory electronic computer IT engineer must be thinking here. Are you? WiFi security is not a luxury it is a necessity, think on this.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

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