Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Government It And Citizen Buyin

Writen by Lance Winslow

As our government attempts to streamline its self more and more we see more Information Technology systems being created, that are designed to improve efficiencies. Unfortunately, we also see that many of the people in society do not like all these new computer systems and they do not understand them.

If the citizens do not have buy-in then they will not use the system and find ways to go around the system. In doing so we may find that many citizens put in false identities or create bad data and put it into the system just to trip up the system. Perhaps it is their way of getting back at the system because they feel is negatively impacting their lives.

Information technologies can increase the productivity and efficiency of a civilization or society and government would be wise to continue their IT initiatives, but if this is not explained properly to the US citizen then you will find that the rebellious genetics, which seem to be in most of our population, that will come out and exercise in unfortunate ways, which will hurt these very systems that are meant to help streamline our civilization.

There have been many government IT systems in many sectors such as; law enforcement, aviation traffic regulation, transportation flows, banking, security industry control, taxation and energy, water, education and communication, that have been already implemented. Government IT systems help save taxpayers money, but if the taxpayer and the citizen rebels against the information technology system then we have a problem.

In that case we have wasted our money and the system will not run correctly. It is the same problem that might happen if a hacker hacks into the system and screws with the data or messes up the programs running the systems. Please consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.

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